Rites & Grand Lodges
- 10th degree of the AASR – Elect of the Fifteen
- 11th degree of the AASR – Elect of the Twelve / Sublime Elect
- 12th degree of the AASR – Grand Master Architect / Master of Mercy
- 13th degree of the AASR – Royal Arch of Solomon / Royal Arch of Enoch
- 14th degree of the AASR – Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Master
- 15th degree of the AASR – Knight of the East / Knight of the Sword
- 16th degree of the AASR – Prince of Jerusalem
- 17th degree of the AASR – Knight of the East and West
- 18th degree of the AASR – Sovereign Prince Rose Croix
- 20ème degré du REAA - Maître Ad Vitam
- 22ème degré du REAA – Prince du Liban
- 24th degree of the AASR – Prince of the Tabernacle
- 25ème degré – Chevalier du Serpent d'Airain
- 27ème degré du REAA - Grand Commandeur du Temple
- 28th degree of the ASSR – Knight of the Sun
- 30th degree of the AASR – Grand Elected Knight Kadosh
- 31st degree of the AASR – Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
- 32nd degree of the AASR – Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
- 33rd degree of the AASR – Sovereign Grand Inspector General
- 4th degree of the AASR – Secret Master
- 5th degree of the AASR – Perfect Master
- 6th degree of the AASR – Intimate Secretary
- 7th degree of the AASR – Provost and Judge
- 8th degree of the AASR – Intendant of the Building
- 9th degree of the AASR – Elect of the Nine
- Blue lodges
- Tabliers REAA de Maître
- 12th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 28th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 66th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm
- 90th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 95th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 96th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- Blue lodges of Memphis-Misraim
- Honorary regalia
Tunic, mantles, gloves, hats, rosettes & ribbons
Lodge accessories & Masonic gifts
Made to order
- Equinoxis
- Masonic Books
- Knights Templar
- Rite of Cerneau
- Stricte Observance Templière
- Grand Lodge of Belgium
- Grande Loge Féminine de France (GLFF)
- Rite of Cerneau
- Packages
- Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
- Entered Apprentice / Fellow - All Rites
- Restored Modern French Rite
- Mark degree
- Grand Ordre Egyptien du GODF (GOE)
- Memphis-Misraïm
- Blue lodges of Memphis-Misraim
- Honorary regalia
- 28th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- Blue lodges of Memphis-Misraim – Purple regalia
- 12th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 66th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm
- 90th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 95th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- 96th degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim
- Dignitaries
- Royal Ark Mariners
- Martinist Order & Order of the Elect-Priests
- Rite of Perfection
- Craft
- Misraim
- Standard Scottish Rite
- York Rite
- Early Scottish Rite
- Craft Grand and Provincial regalia
- Arche Royale
- Ordre maçonnique de St-Jean de Jérusalem, Palestine, Rhodes et Malte
- Scottish Rite (AASR)
- 29th degree of the Scottish Rite - (Scottish) Knight of Saint Andrew
- 21ème degré du REAA – Chevalier Prussien
- 23ème degré du REAA – Chef du Tabernacle
- 26th degree of the Scottish Rite - Prince of Mercy / Scottish Trinitarian
- 19th degree of the AASR – Grand Pontiff or Scottish Sublime
- 8th degree of the AASR – Intendant of the Building
- 7th degree of the AASR – Provost and Judge
- 22ème degré du REAA – Prince du Liban
- 28° grado
- 5th degree of the AASR – Perfect Master
- 24th degree of the AASR – Prince of the Tabernacle
- 6th degree of the AASR – Intimate Secretary
- 28th degree of the ASSR – Knight of the Sun
- Blue lodges
- 20ème degré du REAA - Maître Ad Vitam
- 4th degree of the AASR – Secret Master
- 9th degree of the AASR – Elect of the Nine
- 12th degree of the AASR – Grand Master Architect / Master of Mercy
- 13th degree of the AASR – Royal Arch of Solomon / Royal Arch of Enoch
- 14th degree of the AASR – Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Master
- 15th degree of the AASR – Knight of the East / Knight of the Sword
- 16th degree of the AASR – Prince of Jerusalem
- 17th degree of the AASR – Knight of the East and West
- 18th degree of the AASR – Sovereign Prince Rose Croix
- 10th degree of the AASR – Elect of the Fifteen
- 30th degree of the AASR – Grand Elected Knight Kadosh
- 31st degree of the AASR – Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
- 32nd degree of the AASR – Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
- 33rd degree of the AASR – Sovereign Grand Inspector General
- 11th degree of the AASR – Elect of the Twelve / Sublime Elect
- 25ème degré – Chevalier du Serpent d'Airain
- 27ème degré du REAA - Grand Commandeur du Temple
- Order of the Temple
- French Rite
- Operative Rite of Salomon
- Masonic gloves, hats, robes, capes & rosettes
- Lodge accessories
- Masonic bag-hangers
- Masonic mobile phone charms
- Masonic earrings
- Masonic cuff-links
- Masonic bracelets
- Masonic suspenders and belts
- Masonic collars
- Masonic ties and bow ties
- Masonic daggers and swords
- Masonic tokens
- Masonic cases
- Masonic and Templar magnets
- Masonic gavels
- Masonic bookmarks
- Parures-cadeaux maçonniques
- Egyptian pendants
- Masonic pendants
- Masonic lapel pins
- Cordelières maçonniques et martinistes
- Masonic tie-bars
- Masonic keyrings
- Masonic paperweights
- Masonic banners, Lodge medals & Other made-to-order items
- Masonic Books
MADE-TO-ORDER PRODUCTS Small quantities accepted
LOYALTY CARD 15% discount on all
items (excluding books)