2. Order subscription and purchasing process
3. Product prices, taxes and delivery charges
4. Payment information
5. Delivery or availability
6. Customer service and right of cancellation
7. Warranty for products purchased on this site
8. Provisions specific to the nature of certain products
9. User space
10. Exemption from publisher's liability
11. Newsletter from the publisher and its partners
12. Information relating to the Data Protection Act
13. Notice concerning the collection of cookies
14. Intellectual property on the elements of the site
15. General provisions and applicable law
1. Preliminary information
a) Legal notice
Pour satisfaire aux dispositions de la loi pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique du 21 juin 2004, seront énoncées ci-après les mentions légales requises afin de permettre l’identification de l’éditeur du présent site Internet.
Le présent site est édité par EQUINOXIS, immatriculé au registre du commerce et des sociétés de sous le numéro 47845600700036, et dont le siège social est sis BP 7 // 11260 ESPERAZA. L’éditeur est joignable par téléphone au 0468203834 ou par courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR57478456007.
Le directeur de la publication du site est Mme Laurence BUTTEGEG.
Le responsable de la rédaction est Mme Laurence BUTTEGEG.
Le présent site est hébergé par la société Altéo, dont le siège social est sis 2 mail des Cerclades 95000 CERGY, joignable par téléphone au numéro suivant : 0972377333.
Ce site internet a été réalisé en utilisant la solution open-source PrestaShop™. Les conditions générales de vente ont été générées par le biais de CGV-expert.fr.
b) Objet
Le présent site est d’accès libre et gratuit à tout internaute. Il consiste en un site de vente de produits en ligne.
c) Acceptation des conditions générales de vente
La souscription à un contrat régi par les présentes conditions générales avec l’éditeur du présent site suppose l’acceptation, par l’utilisateur, desdites conditions générales de vente. L'utilisateur reconnaît du même fait en avoir pris pleinement connaissance. Cette acceptation consistera dans le fait, pour l’utilisateur, de valider les présentes conditions générales.
L’utilisateur reconnaît la valeur de preuve des systèmes d’enregistrement automatique de l’éditeur du présent site et, sauf pour lui d’apporter preuve contraire, il renonce à les contester en cas de litige.
L’acceptation des présentes conditions générales suppose de la part des utilisateurs qu’ils jouissent de la capacité juridique nécessaire pour cela, ou à défaut qu'ils en aient l’autorisation d’un tuteur ou d’un curateur s’ils sont incapables, de leur représentant légal s’ils sont mineurs, ou encore qu'ils soient titulaires d’un mandat s’ils agissent pour le compte d’une personne morale.
2. Order subscription and purchasing process
Les produits sont vendus dans la limite des stocks disponibles. La disponibilité des produits est indiquée sur le site, dans la fiche descriptive de chaque article.
Afin de satisfaire aux dispositions de la loi de confiance dans l’économie numérique du 21 juin 2004, sera décrit ci-après le processus de commande :
Afin de passer commande, l’utilisateur pourra sélectionner un ou plusieurs produits et les ajouter à son panier. Lorsque sa commande sera complète, il pourra accéder à son panier en cliquant sur le bouton prévu à cet effet. En consultant son panier, l’utilisateur aura la faculté de vérifier le nombre ainsi que la nature des produits qu’il aura choisis et pourra vérifier leur prix unitaire ainsi que le prix global de la commande. Il aura la possibilité d’ôter un ou plusieurs produits de leur panier. Sur ce récapitulatif sera notamment indiqué à l’utilisateur la faculté dont il dispose ou non d’exercer son droit de rétractation ainsi que les délais et modalités qui s’y appliquent.
Si sa commande lui convient et qu’il souhaite la valider, l’utilisateur pourra cliquer sur le bouton de validation, il accèdera ensuite à un formulaire dans lequel il pourra soit saisir son identifiant de connexion s’il en possède déjà un, soit s’inscrire sur le site en complétant le formulaire qui lui est présenté, avec les informations personnelles le concernant.
Dès lors qu’il sera connecté ou après qu’il ait parfaitement complété le formulaire, l’utilisateur sera invité à contrôler ou modifier ses coordonnées de livraison et de facturation, à lire et valider les présentes conditions, à confirmer sa commande puis sera invité à effectuer son paiement en étant redirigé à cet effet sur l’interface de paiement sécurisée.
Une fois le paiement effectivement reçu par l’éditeur du site, ce dernier s’engage à en accuser réception à l’utilisateur par voie électronique, dans un délai maximal de 24 heures.
De même et dans les mêmes délais, l’éditeur s’engage à adresser à l’utilisateur un courrier électronique récapitulatif de la commande afin de lui en confirmer le traitement et de lui communiquer toutes les informations relatives à la commande.
3. Prix des produits, taxes et frais de livraison
Les prix indiqués sur le site sont entendus en Euros, toutes taxes comprises, et hors frais de livraison. Les prix sont fermes, sans escompte, ni remise, ni ristourne. Ces prix peuvent être modifiés à tout moment par l’éditeur. Le prix applicable au client est celui en vigueur lors de la commande.
Les frais de livraison seront, en toute hypothèse, indiqués au client avant tout règlement.
En cas de livraison hors de l’Union européenne et aux Dom-Tom, l’utilisateur est informé que des droits de douane et autres taxes seront éventuellement exigibles. Les formalités nécessaires et le paiement desdits droits et taxes ne sont pas du ressort de l’éditeur et seront en toute hypothèse à la charge de l’utilisateur. Il incombe donc à ce dernier de vérifier toutes ces données ainsi que les possibilités d’importation du produit auprès des autorités compétentes du pays de livraison, avant toute commande sur le site.
4. Informations relatives au paiement
The Internet user can place an order on the present site and can make payment by bank card, cheque, bank transfer, paypal.
Credit card payments are made via secure transactions provided by the service provider: Crédit Agricole.
With regard to credit card payments, the publisher of the present site has no access to any data relating to the customer's means of payment.
The delivery times defined in the article below only begin to run from the date of actual receipt of payment by the seller, the latter being able to provide proof by any means. If payment is not received from the customer within eight days of the order being placed, the order will be cancelled and the products put back on sale on the site.
.Failure to pay any sum due to the publisher on its due date will give rise to the collection of penalties equal to (3) three times the legal interest rate, to which will be added a flat-rate indemnity of 40 euros for collection costs. These penalties will be due as from the day following the due date of the unpaid sums, without prior formal notice.
5. Delivery or availability
a) Délai
Orders are delivered by La Poste, or any carrier designated by the publisher, within 72 hours of receipt of full payment for the order.
Some products or order volumes may nevertheless warrant a longer delivery time, and this will be expressly brought to the user's attention when the order is validated.
b) Damage and partial loss
In the event of delivery of a package that is obviously and visibly damaged, incomplete or containing damaged items, it is the customer's responsibility to refuse it in order to benefit from the guarantee offered by the carrier. The user must also inform the publisher without delay, so that a new parcel can be prepared and dispatched as soon as the damaged parcel is received. In such a case, the delivery times indicated above in these terms and conditions will no longer apply.
Similarly, the user must refuse any package that is incomplete or contains damaged items. Indeed, in accordance with article L 133-3 of the French Commercial Code, receipt of transported items extinguishes any action against the carrier for damage or partial loss if, within three days, not including public holidays, following receipt, the consignee has not notified the carrier, by registered letter, of his reasoned protest. Failing this, the user will not be entitled to compensation.
6. Customer service and right of cancellation
a) Customer service
Customer service for this site is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm on the following toll-free telephone number: (+33) 468203834, by e-mail at the following address [email protected] or by post at the following address: EQUINOXIS // BP 7 // 11260 ESPERAZA (FRANCE). In the latter two cases, the publisher undertakes to reply within two working days.
b) Right of cancellation
The consumer has the right to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within fourteen (14) days. The withdrawal period expires fourteen days after the day on which you, or a third party other than the carrier and designated by you, takes physical possession of the good or the last good.
To exercise your right of cancllation, you must notify us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unambiguous statement (e.g. letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). To make things easier, you can use the sample withdrawal form, but this is not compulsory.
For the withdrawal period to be respected, it is sufficient for you to send your communication relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
In accordance with the provisions of Article L121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code, consumers may under no circumstances claim to exercise any right of withdrawal for orders of all products clearly personalized or made to their specifications.
In accordance with the provisions of Article L121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code, consumers may under no circumstances claim to exercise any right of withdrawal for orders of newspapers, periodicals or magazines except for subscription contracts for these publications except for subscription contracts for these publications.
c) Effects of cancellation
In the event of your withdrawal, we will refund all payments received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of any additional costs arising from the fact that you may have chosen a delivery method other than the cheaper standard delivery method offered) without undue delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw. We will make the refund using the same means of payment you used for the original transaction, unless you expressly agree to a different method; in any event, this refund will not incur any costs for you. We may defer reimbursement until we have received the goods or until you have provided proof of shipment of the goods, whichever comes first.
You must return the goods without undue delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen days after you have informed us of your decision to cancel. This deadline is deemed to have been met if you return the goods before the fourteen-day period has expired.
You must bear the direct cost of returning the goods. The cost of returning the goods when, due to their nature, they cannot normally be returned by post will be indicated by the publisher prior to the conclusion of the contract.
You are only liable for the depreciation of the good resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of the good.
7. Warranty for products purchased on this site
In the event of a defect in a product purchased from this site, the user has a period of two years from the date of discovery of the defect to request cancellation of the sale or a reduction in the sale price (article 1644 of the French Civil Code), in accordance with the provisions of articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code concerning the legal guarantee against hidden defects, in application of articles L217-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, in the event of non-conformity of the goods delivered, the consumer has a period of two years from receipt of the said product to request repair or replacement, subject to the cost conditions stipulated in article L217-9 of the French Consumer Code. The consumer does not have to prove the existence of a lack of conformity for 24 months following delivery of the goods (6 months for second-hand goods).
To exercise any of these rights, customers should contact the publisher's customer service department.
In addition to the warranty against hidden defects defined by the French Civil Code and the warranty of good conformity imposed by article L217-4 of the French Consumer Code, which are, where applicable, still applicable and which are defined above, certain items purchased on this site benefit from a conventional warranty offered by the seller or manufacturer, the duration of which may vary depending on the product, and which will be detailed in particular on the product description sheet and instructions for use. Any commercial warranty is the subject of a written contract, a copy of which is given to the purchaser.
8. Provisions specific to the nature of certain products
All products sold on this site are marketed in compliance with the laws and regulations in force in France. The compulsory displays required by the legislative and regulatory provisions in force are carried out on the present site, and in particular in the description sheet for each item.
a) Jewelry or products in contact with the skin
In the case of jewelry or products in contact with the skin sold on the present site, the editor reminds you that the composition of the product is indicated in the description of each item. It is therefore the responsibility of each user to ensure that the products do not present any medical contraindication. Jewelry with magnetic parts (clasps, etc.) is not recommended for people with pacemakers, or for pregnant or breast-feeding women.
9. User area
a) Creating an account
The creation of a user account is a prerequisite for any order from a user. To this end, the user will be asked to provide a certain amount of personal information. The user undertakes to provide accurate information, failing which the contract may be terminated at the initiative of the publisher and the user account deleted.
Certain information will be deemed essential for the conclusion of the contract, and its collection will be indispensable for the creation of the account and the validation of the conclusion of the contract. A user's refusal to provide such information will prevent the creation of the user account and, incidentally, the validation of the order.
b) How it works
This space allows the user to consult all his orders made on the site, and also allows him, if necessary, to follow the delivery of products purchased.
Should the data contained in the user account disappear as a result of a fortuitous event, technical breakdown or force majeure, the publisher of the present site cannot be held liable, as this information has no probative value but is for information purposes only. However, the publisher undertakes to keep securely all contractual elements whose retention is required by the law or regulations in force.
The publisher reserves the exclusive right to delete the account of any user who has contravened these terms and conditions (including, but not limited to, where the user has knowingly provided false information, when registering and setting up their account) or any account that has been inactive for at least one year. Such deletion shall not constitute a loss for the excluded user, who shall not be entitled to claim any compensation as a result.
This exclusion is not exclusive of the possibility, for the editor, of taking legal action against the user, when the facts justify it.
c) Password
When creating a user account, the user will be asked to choose a password. This password guarantees the confidentiality of the information contained in the user's account, and the user is therefore prohibited from transmitting or communicating it to a third party. Failing this, the site cannot be held responsible for unauthorized access to a user's account.
10. Exemption from publisher's liability
a) Site accessibility and force majeure
In the event of inability to access the site, due to technical problems or any other cause, the user will not be entitled to claim any damages or compensation.
The unavailability of one or more products, even for a prolonged period and without any time limit, cannot constitute a prejudice for the user and cannot in any way give rise to the awarding of damages by the site or its publisher.
The publisher cannot be held responsible for non-performance of the contract due to force majeure, as defined by French law.
b) Visual representation of products
The visual representations of the products published on the present site are guaranteed by the publisher to be perfectly faithful to reality, in order to satisfy his obligation of perfect information. However, given the current state of the art, the rendering of these representations, particularly in terms of color or shape, may vary considerably from one computer workstation to another, or may differ from reality depending on the quality of graphic accessories and the screen or display resolution. The publisher cannot be held responsible for these variations and differences under any circumstances.
c) Products sold on the site
The publisher undertakes to comply with all applicable provisions in force in France and cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with regulatory and legislative provisions in force in other countries.
The editor of the present site cannot be held responsible in any way for misuse of the products, poor maintenance of the products, accidental damage or misuse of the products.
As the products offered for sale on the site are sold uninstalled, the user declares that he/she is responsible for the installation of the products, which must be carried out in accordance with good practice and the instructions for use.
d) Hyperlinks
The hypertext links present on the present site may lead to other Internet sites, and the publisher of the present site cannot be held responsible if the content of these sites contravenes current legislation. Likewise, the publisher of the present site cannot be held liable if the user's visit to one of these sites causes prejudice.
11. Newsletter from the publisher and its partners
By ticking the appropriate box, or by expressly agreeing to this, the user accepts that the editor may send them, at a frequency and in a form to be determined by the editor, a newsletter which may include information relating to the editor's activity. By checking the appropriate box, the user agrees to receive commercial offers from the publisher of this site for products and services similar to those ordered.
Subscribers may unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the appropriate link in each newsletter.
Similarly, users who have accepted the communication of personal data (and in particular their e-mail address) to third-party partners of the present site by checking the box provided for this purpose, may receive newsletters issued by these partners, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, at the frequencies and in the forms determined by the said partners.
The user may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link provided for this purpose on each newsletter issued by said partners. Alternatively, the user may unsubscribe by contacting the sender(s) of said newsletters directly. The editor of the present website cannot be held responsible for the content, data or form of newsletters sent by the aforementioned partners, whatever the prejudice suffered by the user. All claims must be made directly to the newsletter sender.
12. Information relating to the Data Protection Act
a) General - Purpose - Duration
Users are free to provide personal information about themselves. The provision of personal information is not essential for navigation on the site. On the other hand, registration on this site implies the collection, by the editor, of a certain amount of personal information concerning the user. Users who do not wish to provide the information required to create a user account will not be able to place orders on the present site.
The data collected is necessary for the proper administration of the services offered on the present site and for the fulfillment of the publisher's contractual obligations. This data is kept by the publisher in this sole capacity, and the publisher undertakes not to use it in any other context, nor to pass it on to third parties, except with the express agreement of users or in cases provided for by law.
The contact details of all users registered on the present site are saved for a maximum period of 12 months from the deletion of the personal space, a reasonable period necessary for the proper administration of the site and normal use of the data. This data is stored in secure conditions, using current technology, in compliance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978.
b) Right of access, rectification and opposition
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, users have the right to oppose, question, access and rectify any data they have supplied. To do so, they simply need to send a request to the editor of the present site, to the following e-mail address: [email protected], or by post to the address of the editor's head office mentioned at the head of these general conditions.
The personal data collected is subject to computer processing and is reserved exclusively for the site editor.
Le responsable du traitement est Mme Laurence BUTTEGEG.
Numéro de déclarant à la CNIL : 2005979
c) IP address
In addition, the publisher reserves the right to collect the public IP (Internet Protocol) address of any user. This IP address will be collected anonymously, will be kept for the same length of time as personal information and will only be used to enable the proper administration of the services offered on this site. The IP address corresponds to a series of numbers separated by dots, enabling the unique identification of a computer on the Internet.
The publisher must disclose all personal data relating to a user to the police (on judicial requisition) or to any other person (on court order). The IP address of any computer may be matched with the actual identity of the subscriber held by the ISP (Internet Service Provider).
13. Notice concerning the collection of cookies
a) General - Purpose - Duration
In order to enable users to optimize their browsing experience on the present site, as well as to improve the operation of the various interfaces and applications, the publisher may install a cookie on their computer. This cookie is used to store information relating to navigation on the site (date, page, time), as well as any data entered by the user during his/her visit (searches, login, email, password). These cookies are stored on the user's computer for a variable period of up to 12 months, and may be read and used by the publisher during a subsequent visit to the present site.
b) Right to object to cookie placement
Users can block, modify the retention period, or delete this cookie via their browser interface (generally: tools or options / privacy or confidentiality). In this case, browsing on this site will not be optimized. Should the systematic deactivation of cookies on the user's browser prevent him/her from using certain services or functionalities provided by the editor, this malfunction shall in no way constitute damage for the user, who shall not be entitled to claim any compensation as a result.
c) Deleting cookies
Users may also delete any cookies already present on their computer, by going to the appropriate menu in their browser (generally, Tools or Options / Privacy or Confidentiality). Such action has no effect on browsing on the present site, but causes the user to lose all the benefits provided by the cookie. In this case, you will have to re-enter all your personal data.
14. Intellectual property on the elements of the site
All the elements making up this site belong to the publisher or are the subject of an authorization of exploitation and are protected by the legislation relating to the intellectual property.
The user therefore acknowledges that, in the absence of authorization, any total or partial copy and any distribution or use of one or more of these elements, even if modified, may give rise to legal proceedings being taken against the user by the publisher or its assignees.
This protection will cover all the site's textual and graphic content, as well as its structure, name and graphic charter.
Similarly, the user acknowledges that he/she has been informed that the matrix of the present general conditions has been registered with a bailiff and that any reproduction, even partial, of the present document may be subject to legal proceedings for economic parasitism.
15. General provisions and applicable law
a) Modification of general terms and conditions
These terms and conditions may be modified at any time by the site editor or its representative. The general terms and conditions applicable to the user are those in force on the day of the order. The publisher undertakes, of course, to keep all its previous terms and conditions and to send them to any user who requests them.
b) Applicable law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are governed by French law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. The language of the contract is French; any foreign-language version available on the site is for information purposes only. Similarly, the present site may be translated into various languages to facilitate navigation for non-French-speaking users wishing to order from the site.
c) Amicable settlement of disputes
Except in the case of public policy provisions, any disputes that may arise in connection with the execution of the present general terms and conditions may, prior to any legal action, be submitted to the site editor for amicable settlement. It is expressly reminded that requests for amicable settlement do not suspend the time limits for bringing legal action.
d) Divisibility
Should any clause of these terms and conditions be declared null and void by a court decision, such nullity shall not entail the nullity of all other clauses, which shall continue to have effect.
e) Non-waiver
The temporary or permanent non-enforcement of one or more clauses of these general terms and conditions by either party shall in no way entail waiver of the right to enforce the remainder of the general terms and conditions.
If a consumer wishes to cancel their order, they can use the form below.
(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract).
A l’attention de EQUINOXIS, BP 7, 11260 ESPERAZA. Joignable au 0468203834 ou par courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
Je/nous (*) vous notifie/notifions (*) par la présente ma/notre (*) rétractation du contrat portant sur la vente du bien (*)/pour la prestation de services (*) ci-dessous :
∗ Commandé le (*)/reçu le (*) : ........................................................
∗ Nom du (des) consommateur(s) : ..........................................................
∗ Adresse du (des) consommateur(s) : ............................................................
Signature du (des) consommateur(s) (uniquement en cas de notification du présent formulaire sur papier) : ....
∗ Date : ..........................................................
(*) Rayez la mention inutile.